Research Article | Open Access
The Impact of Blended Instruction on Secondary School Students' Academic Growth and Critical Thinking in Hyderabad city
Kota Sai Krishna, K Ratna Shiela Mani
Pages: 1407-1415
The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not ninth-grade students in the Hyderabad benefit from blended learning in terms of academic performance and the cultivation of reflective thinking in the context of school education. Two classes of ninth-graders from the Narayana PrivateSchool in Hyderabad city make up the study sample. Twenty-five students were taught utilising a blended learning technique, while the remaining twenty-three served as a control group receiving instruction in the conventional fashion. The study used two instruments, an accomplishment exam and a reflective thinking scale, both of which their validity and reliability had established in order to accomplish the study's goals. The experimental group showed considerable improvement over the control group on the post-test measures of performance. The results also demonstrated that the experimental group had a significantly higher mean score than the control group on the reflective thinking scale. According to the findings, a more comprehensive approach to education, such as integrated learning, is more successful in transmitting knowledge.
reflective thinking ,significantly,instruments,blended learning.