Research Article | Open Access
Modernization of Education During the Pandemic Conditions for Effective Education on a Distance Basis
Galyna Nagorna Alla Moskalenko Olha Horina Olha Honcharuk Lyudmila Demchuk
Pages: 449-458
The high demands of the new era and society's changing attitude towards a
specialist determine the need to create more effective learning conditions that
contribute to the most rational use of psychological, physical, and temporary
resources of an individual. In this regard, in the context of modernization of
education and its integration into the world educational space, the problem of
professional training and advanced training of a person acquires particular
relevance. The article examines the development of modern society in the
conditions of globalization processes’ influence, determining the emergence of
new demands for a subject in any activity field, in particular, in higher education.
Furthermore, the pandemic led to enhancing the application of distance learning
technologies. In the future, their implementation experience should become the
basis for the development of innovative teaching methods, increasing the
efficiency of the educational process, and improving information and resource
Modernization of Education, Pandemic, Learning Conditions, Distance Learning, Modern Technologies.